Thursday, December 3, 2009

Welcome to Yucaipa - Part 2

So there have been a lot of events that have taken place in the last week….. Thanksgiving morning was absolutely beautiful so I went out in the front yard and snapped some pictures of the view from our yard at 7:00am. Too bad there is a house in front of ours, the sunrise would be a lot prettier if they would demo that house :o)

Went to Crestline for Thanksgiving and it was great! Friday we pulled out all of the Christmas decorations and did our thing with that. The house looks cute, I sure wish it had a fireplace to hang the stockings on (not to mention keep us warm..keep reading this part comes up again).

Saturday morning we woke up to rain and a lot of wind….that quickly cleared up and the sun peaked out. Got out of bed and looked out the window and the mountains outside of my house were FULL of snow!!! It was beautiful so I took some more pictures. We then decided to head up to Oak Glen to get into the snow a little. That was great, the boys and my hubby had a snowball fight, made mini-snowmen and chased each other all over the place. Took a lot of pictures that came out really good.

Sunday, we decided to go exploring and ended up in Forest Falls which was really cute as well. We had eaten at the La Mexicana in Oak Glen so decided to stop at the location in FF to grab some nacho’s to share…service was outstanding and the nacho’s hit the spot! Somehow my SD card on the camera took a crap and I could not take any pictures…total bummer! Especially since I had about 1500-2000 photos on the dang card….taught me a lesson in printing pictures – that’s for sure. Anyhow…on the way back down the hill we pulled over at a picnic spot and Landon and I got out and hiked back to the water…OMG – it was sooo beautiful back there! We are definitely going to have to go back and take some pics and have a picnic!

So…with the good comes the bad in my life – so here it is! Got home on Tuesday and there was a friggin lock box on my gas meter!!! They claim that they do not have anything on file that I turned the gas on…ummmm then how the hell was it on??? Anyhow, I argued with one person that told me the soonest they can turn it on is Saturday – ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? So, I got a Stupid-visor named Ms. Brown on the phone who was absolutely rude from the gate. She – acting like she was doing me a favor – was able to get them to come out on Thursday…I begged, pleased, cried and yelled at this woman and she was a total and complete witch. It is too long of a story to go into…but in the end I lost and the last two days have been me taking a “bath” with water that I heated up in the microwave! Do you have any idea how long it takes to nuke enough water to sufficiently wash yourself..much less long hair!!! I was soo cold after taking my makeshift bath that I put my underwear on sideways because I was in such a hurry to get dressed…hahahaha Thank god they are coming out today to turn it on…it was 39 degrees last night and I froze my butt off!!!

Hmmm…what else do I have to add?? Oh yes..a few observations..

We really like Shorters…the bartender Daryl is a real sweetie! And they are having drink specials all month for Christmas…so get on in there!

I hear that Kopper Kettle Kafe is really good…but I am having some issues with the name…is it me or are their initials KKK for a reason??? I sure hope not, because that would not be good at all!

Unfortunately the Thrift store that I was itching to go to totally did not meet my expectations. I won’t say which one it is, but I probably won’t go back.

Had Bonita’s again…still yummy!

Ross is still the only place to shop…and I finally got in there without a mile long line and got a few deals for X-mas…go me!

I have stopped referring to Yucaipa as Mayberry…I have a new name :o)

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