Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thank god I wore comfy clothes to work today!

So, I have been agonizing over the fact that I now live 38.8 miles away from opposed to the 7.1 via only side streets that I was use to for 7 years! The agonizing part is not the daily drive, I am actually enjoying my time to listen to my class lectures repeatedly (I think this stuff is starting to stick!), but the fact that I have to do it TODAY of all days!! Today is the day before Thanksgiving - aka the busiest traffic day of the entire year!!! GREAT! So, I just finished mapping out my route...which takes me through Ontario, Fontucky and Rialto just to get to Colton and hop on the freeway..... am I scared - HELL YEA! But you people who think it is because of the cities I have to get through are is because I can't see for sh*t in the dark on side streets, and I am going a long ways on unknown side streets...look out folks this could make for a wild ride! I could put my glasses on...but those are just for reading and I would have to crash into someone before I could actually see their license plate in the dark! I should have taken a vacation day today! I am anticipating my 40 minute drive to take me anywhere from an hour and 45 minutes to 2 and a half hours....we shall see. I think I am going to go to the vending machine and get a Monster and some Skittles for the ride! This sucks - I sure hope Yucaipa is worth all of this headache!

Negative Nelly!

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