Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I need to learn to keep up on this blog thingie here! LOL So...some observations that I have had recently while out and about in Yucaipa. Saw a girl in Ross wearing every shade of green imaginable and about 10x too small...eeek! The funny part was watching her try on 3" silver sparkly heels with the outfit and then buying them...just struck me as funny at the moment. Went to the bank yesterday and saw 2 men in baggy pants with suspenders holding them up AND a man in full on overalls - and people wonder why I say I live in Mayberry - haha They were cute old men, but again...struck that funny bone and I got the giggles. All I could think of was The Beverly Hillbillies - tee hee. Then the cherry on top was this morning when Yucaipa made the news - and it was not for snowfall - people arrested in cock-fighting ring....I think I busted something while laughing so hard. And remember officer nice-nice??? You people know he is there...why do you speed?? I was driving at the speed limit on Oak Glen the other morning headed to the freeway and this SUV got right up on my ass....well I was not going to speed up - I know better after my ticket. So I am watching in my mirror and I see another car on his ass going into the turn....I am still not moving because I am pegged at the speed limit. Low and behold that SUV takes off like an idiot around me and guess what----The cop was the car on his ass!!! HAHAHAHA popped him immediately. See..shoulda stuck to the speed limit dummy!

I really am trying to warm up to this town..really I am. Maybe that is why I have taken to laughing at everything rather than crying because I am stuck there?? Hmmmm we will see :o)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Is it Yucaipan or Yucaipian?

I have seen it spelled and heard it said both ways...and either way, I am not one of them. It has now been 2 and a half months since we moved to Yucaipa and I do not like it any better than I did on that first day. Let me explain myself..... It is probably not that I dislike Yucaipa itself, although the jury is still out, it is that I hate the reason that I had to move there. We, like about 80% of Americans now a days, were hit HARD by this economy and ended up losing our home. So, since the kids' mom lives in Yucaipa and we have 50/50 custody, it just seemed like the place to an effort to make it easier on everyone. I had thought that everyone included me, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that I got the friggin short end of the stick in all of this. I have no friends there, my work and school schedule makes it so 2 days a week I am gone for 18 hours and the rest of the days I am trying to study and catch up, and I hate the commute (yes, I consider 40 minutes a commute!). Okay, enough bitching about me. Here are the happenings in the last month or so....

On a positive note, I find that Yucaipa is really pretty and the sunset is absolutely beautiful. We have tried a few restaurants and here is my take on them.... I never in a million years thought I would say this - but if you want good food...go to Mentone! Yes, I said it and I can't believe it! Arthurs is a great breakfast place and Johnny's Taco's is awesome as well - with nightly specials that are pretty nicely priced :o) Stay away from Hickory Ranch in Yucaipa, unless you have a lot of money to spend on a steak dinner that you could have paid a lot less for at Spunky Steer and had the same meal. We tried Jose's and I don't have much to say since all I had was a salad, but the hubby said his was pretty good. We also recently went to Casa Trejo off of County Line and their food was pretty good also.

That is about all the positive I have in me for today! I promise next time I will say something nice..perhaps after my doggie gets fixed, I will have something nice to say about the vet! haha

Till then...
Lost in Podunk!